Poppin’ My Collard

The South sustains the reputation for serving up rich vegetable dishes that masterfully avoid the label of vegetarian. Pork is usually the culprit. Whether it be a hambone in a pot of greens, bacon on top of a green bean casserole, or lard in a salad (I am sure it is a thing…) it is…

Roux the Day

Much in the vein of the cliché that prompts us to turn lemons into lemonade, I say that when a day feels ruined, just make roux. But don’t stop there! The process is much simpler than a word with a silent ‘x’ would indicate. Plus, once this process is mastered it opens the door to…

Smarter Than The Average Bun

Start with something soft and simple. Plunge into a boiling ocean. Send to vehement depths. Allow to emerge victorious with the self-assertive crust that every hero needs to succeed. This is the journey that pretzels are made of. Overcomplicate the path to grilled fish sandwich heaven by opting to make these homemade pretzel buns. Totally…

Penne from the Block

Every once in a while, we all want to hit the reset button and treat our bodies to a light, cleansing meal that will detoxify our insides and leave us feeling nourished, good, healthy … and probably still hungry. That time is not now. Now is the time for pasta. Now is the time for…


I enjoy trips to the grocery store. Though I am susceptible to impulse buying and sometimes I might spend a little too much during a visit – it was on sale and you gotta spend money to save money! – it is generally an overall fun and relaxing experience. That said. Sometimes on a Sunday…

Sweet (Potato) Dreams Nachos

A meal to stuff yourself with during a lazy evening on the couch comes in the form of this cleverly layered savory dish. Send yourself into a nutritionally sound food coma with Sweet Potato Nachos. 2 Sweet Potatoes 1 Lb. Shrimp, Peeled & Deveined 1 Poblano Pepper, Sliced 3-4 Baby Bell Peppers, or 1 Regular…

Friendspiration All Around!

Visiting specialty food stores is a practice in exploration. These stores not only offer specific special novelty ingredients you won’t see at your friendly neighborhood grocery store, but they often feature various staples available at extra friendly prices. So. When a friend whose family hails from India tells you to check out a specific local…

A Pepper Journey – From Plant to Plate

Pepper Plant (no relation to Robert) has survived – from seed to sprout, to current pepper producing champion – for over a year in the backyard of Blue House. A month or two ago, fat bumblebees buzzed around delicate white blossoms that have now been replaced by an abundance of green and orange peppers. These…

Rainbow on a Platter

Baked Sweet Potato Fries Standard sweet potato fries get a violet twist with the addition of a Japanese sweet potato. The mauve exterior and pale buttery flesh pair up beautifully with the rust orange of the traditional sweet potato we see so frequently in the south. The nuances in flavor and texture make this combination of warm…